This is a warm-up that I've learned variations of, but definitely learned some of the best additions to it from our acting teacher this summer at UNC, Richard Robichaux. It's called Whoosh!
-Students begin in a circle and one student starts by saying "whoosh!" with expression and movement to the student on their right. The next student does the same to the student on their right, and so on all around the circle. Now come on the add-on's that can be said at any time...
-Boing: A student holds up their hands as if saying "stop" and says "boing" and the whoosh has to change directions.
-Bridge: the next two students after the whoosh are skipped and have to duck down.
-Tunnel: the next two students after the whoosh are skipped and have to jump up.
-Elevator: the two students on either side of the student who called "elevator" have to come in close together, and press the imaginary button and say in an annoying voice, "lobby!" and slowly squat down together.
-Viking: similar to Elevator, the two students on the side of the caller come in close and pretend to have oars and and rowing a boat, and the caller needs to hold up their viking horn and make a horn sound.
-Mouse: when a caller calls "mouse," each student needs to scream and go around the circle lifting up their feet one at a time as if a mouse is running underneath.
-Hyper Space: this is like a whoosh, but it can go across the circle over to any student in the circle.
-Lion King: the caller holds up an imaginary "Simba" and sings out similar to the song from the opening of the movie, and all the other students act like animals celebrating.
-Night at the Roxbury: all students freestyle dance and sing to the theme song from the movie.
So, hopefully you get the idea, you can make up your own add-on's, there are more that we did as well, these are just some of my favorite. Maybe I will post a video of "whoosh" when we get it started at my school.
What are some add-on's you'd like to try?
I remember this game! Richard changed the elevator section, I like "Lobby" works better than "going down" especially with HS age.